black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Revolucionando la educación para cambiar el mundo

Donde el reciclaje es juego de niños

Programas Educativos

involucramos a niños y escuelas en el reciclaje de forma divertida.

Fomentamos hábitos sostenibles desde la infancia.

Transformamos el reciclaje en educación para un mundo mejor.

Conciencia Ambiental
Futuras Generaciones

Sumérgete en una historia donde el reciclaje abre las puertas a un mundo increíble.

Un mundo fantástico te espera…

an artist's rendering of a planet in space
an artist's rendering of a planet in space

En nuestro mundo, un guardián se alimenta de reciclaje...
Aliméntalo y descubrelo

Educación Ambiental

Hacemos del reciclaje una experiencia educativa y divertida, integrando emprendimiento social para generar impacto real. Formamos a las nuevas generaciones como agentes de cambio.

🎮Aprende Jugando

El reciclaje se convierte en una aventura interactiva. Los estudiantes participan en desafíos sostenibles y descubren cómo sus decisiones pueden cambiar el mundo.

🔧Talleres Interactivos

Mediante experiencias prácticas, los niños exploran el reciclaje y el emprendimiento social con el apoyo de las autoridades de la educación básica, desarrollando habilidades para generar un impacto positivo y sostenible en su comunidad.

🌱Conciencia Ecológica

Fomentamos la responsabilidad ambiental a través del aprendizaje y la exploración del mundo de CycloFant, donde cada acción sostenible cuenta para proteger nuestro planeta.

Galería de Reciclaje

Descubre cómo transformamos la educación ambiental en los niños.

A red recycling bin labeled 'Recyclables' placed under a shelter with a red bicycle leaning against it. The bin has an inscription from the UP Medicine Student Council along with other text. The background shows a two-tone wall, with the lower part painted red and the upper part beige.
A red recycling bin labeled 'Recyclables' placed under a shelter with a red bicycle leaning against it. The bin has an inscription from the UP Medicine Student Council along with other text. The background shows a two-tone wall, with the lower part painted red and the upper part beige.
Three recycling bins with signs in a non-English language stand on a paved sidewalk, surrounded by lush green foliage. Each bin has distinct labels: blue, yellow, and green, likely indicating they are for different types of recyclables.
Three recycling bins with signs in a non-English language stand on a paved sidewalk, surrounded by lush green foliage. Each bin has distinct labels: blue, yellow, and green, likely indicating they are for different types of recyclables.
A street scene with several recycling bins, each designated for a specific type of waste, against a wall adorned with informational posters about recycling. In front of the bins is a cart filled with assorted materials such as cardboard, plastic, and other recyclables. Above, a stone wall and foliage are visible, and there are street signs with directional information.
A street scene with several recycling bins, each designated for a specific type of waste, against a wall adorned with informational posters about recycling. In front of the bins is a cart filled with assorted materials such as cardboard, plastic, and other recyclables. Above, a stone wall and foliage are visible, and there are street signs with directional information.
Four recycling bins in different colors, green, orange, and two shades of blue, are placed along a paved street. The bins are situated in front of a wooded area with fallen leaves around. The ground is wet, creating reflections of the bins in a shallow puddle.
Four recycling bins in different colors, green, orange, and two shades of blue, are placed along a paved street. The bins are situated in front of a wooded area with fallen leaves around. The ground is wet, creating reflections of the bins in a shallow puddle.
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Sé Parte del Cambio
Reciclar es solo el comienzo. Únete a nuestra misión para un mundo más sostenible y educativo.

Escuelas, voluntarios y empresas tienen un lugar en CycloFant. Déjanos tus datos y te contactaremos.